Yellowknife, NT (November 26, 2018) – The Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut (WSCC) have announced the 2019 employer assessment rates.

This year, the average provisional assessment rate will be $2.10 per $100 assessable payroll. This provisional target rate is the rate employers would pay if there was only one rate for all employers, and is the rate the WSCC uses as a starting point when setting individual subclass rates.

Yellowknife, NT (November 15, 2018) – On November 7, 2018, LSI Transport NWT Limited appeared in the Territorial Court of the Northwest Territories in Yellowknife and was sentenced for offences under the Northwest Territories’ Safety Act.

The Prosecutor and Counsel for LSI Transport NWT Limited jointly proposed a sentence of a global fine of $40,000. The Judge accepted the joint sentencing proposal, along with the recommendation for a Victim of Crime Surcharge in the amount of 15% of the fine.

This Code of Practice provides guidance on cannabis-specific impairment best practices, in addition to relevant links and resources.

Yellowknife, NT (October 22, 2018) – Today, the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) released online educational materials aimed at employers and workers on impairment in the workplace, as cannabis becomes legal for recreational use.