Effective RTW procedures should be specific to the unique needs of your organization. You must communicate them to all workers before an injury occurs, to ensure fast implementation to help the worker return to work as soon as safe and medically possible.

Media Release: The Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission Lay Charges under the Nunavut Safety Act
Iqaluit, NU (August 30, 2019) – On August 28, 2019, the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission filed six charges in the Nunavut Court of Justice under the Nunavut Safety Act.
Tower Arctic Limited are charged with multiple counts which allege various offences in violation of the Safety Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, including failing to:
  • take all reasonable precau

Workers under 25 are at risk for accidents and injuries due to fewer years of on-the-job experience and training. Make sure all of your workers are receiving a high standard of training, mentorship, and a strong understanding of your Occupational Health and Safety Program (OHS Program). The resources below have been developed as support documents in creating a strong safety culture.

Workers under 25 years of age are considered to be "young workers," and more at risk for incidents and injuries. Establishing a strong safety culture from the first day on the job is one of the best ways to prevent workplace incidents. Safety is everyone's responsibility!