Update on WSCC Services for Claimants and Employers

17th Mar 2020

The Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) is making some changes to the services we provide to help employers and workers stay safe and to help reduce any possible transmission of COVID-19. All actions are being taken with the health and safety of all employers, workers, residents and our staff as our top priority.

For Employers:

  • The Employer Assessment Payment that was due April 1, 2020, has been extended to May 1, 2020.

For Claimants:

  • Compensation payments will continue for those required to self-isolate as outlined by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
  • All non-critical medical travel will be rescheduled
  • All upcoming Permanent Medical Impairment (PMI) appointments in Yellowknife will be rescheduled.
  • Claimants receiving treatment outside of their home community will be contacted beginning March 16 to arrange for travel to their home community where they will stay until further notice.
  • Compensation payments will continue if COVID-19 disrupts treatment.

Reporting Unsafe Work:

  • WSCC responds to all reports of unsafe work; however, we recommend submitting the report through WSCC Connect.
  • If a critical incident is reported, WSCC will conduct a risk assessment to determine if an Inspector is required on the ground or if alternatively, we can provide guidance from a distance.

WSCC Connect - Online Services:

  • Employer’s Report of Incident e-Service scheduled to release April 2020, is cancelled until further notice as we focus on providing existing services. 
  • All other WSCC Connect services are available.

If you are planning to visit the WSCC: 

The WSCC is advising employers and workers to follow the recommendations of our public health officials and to take care of themselves and others by washing hands thoroughly and frequently, avoiding touching your face, and avoiding direct contact with others where possible. 

To help eliminate possible transmission of COVID-19, we are encouraging people to use our online services or contact us by phone. 
Please do not visit our offices if any of the following applies to you:

  • You have travelled outside the NWT or NU and have any of the following signs:
    -  Fever
    - Cough
    - Difficulty Breathing
  • You have been in direct contact with someone who had been directed by Public Health to self-isolate and showing any of the above-mentioned signs of illness
  • You have returned from International Travel within the last 14 days.

The WSCC will provide updates as the situation develops. If you have questions or concerns, contact the WSCC in the NWT at (867) 920-3888, toll-free (800) 661-0792 or in Nunavut at (867) 979-8500, toll-free (877) 404-4407, 8:30 to 5:00 pm local time. For updates on how the WSCC is dealing with services, visit our website at wscc.nt.ca or wscc.nu.ca