New Occupational Health and Safety Regulations Coming this Year

Yellowknife, NT (April 16, 2015) – The Worker’s Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) is excited to announce that the New Occupational Health and Safety Regulations will become law in the Northwest Territories on June 1, 2015. They will become law in Nunavut later in 2015, following changes to their Safety Act.

The documents are organized into Parts that address the array of work environments in the North and requirements such as:

  • reporting and giving notice to the Chief Safety Officer;
  • record keeping;
  • training;
  • personal protective equipment; and
  • Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees. 

Familiarize yourself with the Regulations to learn how the changes apply to your business.


Taking effect later in 2015, for current Regulations please click here.

Taking effect later in 2015, for current Regulations please click here.

The following prompts may help you in thinking of alternative work that is of value to the organization. Remember, if the worker is unable to perform their usual job duties with or without modifications then first look for suitable work within the division before looking across the whole organization.