The WSCC conducts over 1,000 inspections annually to ensure the safety of northern workplaces. During an inspection, a trained Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Inspector will visit your worksite and assess work practices. Inspections can result in directions or orders that detail the corrective actions that the employer needs to complete by an agreed upon date to protect the health and safety of people at the worksite. Inspections can also provide positive observations and feedback to employers.
All employers are legally required to maintain a safe workplace by meeting the standards set out in the Safety Act(s) and Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (OHS Regulations). These Acts form the basis for protecting the health and safety of workers and employers in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. WSCC is the arm's length government agency responsible for making sure that employers meet their legal responsibilities.
The Safe Workplace Program aims to advance the safety culture in the North by providing incentives for businesses and organizations to strengthen their health and safety programs and by sharing good approaches for injury and accident prevention. This summary outlines the basics of the program.
The purpose of this discussion paper is to: Provide a brief overview of workplace safety programs and safety culture; introduce WSCC’s Safe Workplace Program; and, ask for feedback on what motivates employers to improve their safety programs and advance their workplace safety culture. Feedback gathered from employers will help to inform the future development of the Safe Workplace Program.