Yellowknife, NT (November 28, 2022) – The Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut (WSCC) announces that the average employer assessment rate is remaining at $2.40 per $100 of assessable payroll, unchanged since 2020.

This is the base rate the WSCC uses as a starting point when setting individual subclass rates.

Subclasses are employers who have similar operations and share similar risks. Each employer pays a specific amount based on the group rate for their industry and the size of their payroll.

Produced annually, the WSCC Corporate Plan outlines organizational priorities and plans to our stakeholders. The Corporate Plan also presents yearly operations and capital budgets.

The WSCC strategic plan outlines the direction, priorities, goals, and actions needed to be taken to reach WSCC’s vision of Eliminating workplace diseases and injuries. It is developed by the Governance Council and WSCC administration. The strategic plan explains the high-level goals of the WSCC over a five-year period.

An annual report is produced for each fiscal year, ending December 31. An annual report details the WSCC’s activities and financial performance over the course of the year.