Benefits are not taxable in Canada, and employers should not report them on a worker’s annual T4 statement of earnings. Benefits are included in the total income for some calculations. We issue T5007 information slips that workers include in their tax returns. Any amount that the WSCC reimburses you for worker benefits, must be deducted from their T4 amounts.
Workplace incidents and injuries are costly in actual workers’ compensation costs and lost workplace productivity. The WSCC’s Claims Management Program identifies steps employers can take to actively manage their claims costs.
Claims Management helps employers rehabilitate injured workers, retain skilled workers, reduce hiring costs, and train replacement workers. This helps minimize lost time and incident costs.
The WSCC may cover a worker’s wages during a job trial or provide partial wages during an on-the-job training program. We may also pay for work place modifications.
The claims process determines the WSCC benefits workers can receive if they are hurt at work.
Renewable Resource Harvesters are people who hunt, fish, gather, or trap.
The Workers’ Safety & Compensation Commission (WSCC) works with the governments of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut to deliver the Renewable Resource Harvesters’ Program. If you get hurt while harvesting, the WSCC may be able to help.