It’s the law. The WSCC provides a form of collective liability, which is common across the insurance industry. This means all employers, across an industry subclass, share the risk. Registering and paying assessments to the WSCC protects your company against lawsuits from injured workers. If a worker is injured or contracts an occupational disease while on the job, the WSCC covers the worker’s medical and wage-loss costs.

No, you don’t have to register, but you can if you need proof of registration for bidding purposes. Non-employer operations, including independent operators and prospective bidders may register with the WSCC and receive an account number prior to establishing or commencing business.

In order to register and receive a WSCC account number, a non-employer operation must pay a $200 annual administrative fee. A non-employer operation registering for the first time must pay the full administrative fee regardless of how many days remain in the calendar year.

Under the Workers’ Compensation Act(s) you are liable for any outstanding assessments related to work performed on your behalf under a contract for service. 

If your contractor is not in good standing, you can withhold the amount of the assessment you now must pay to the WSCC, related to the contract. 

You are liable for any assessments your contractor owes relating to the work they perform on your behalf until you receive a Letter of Good Standing and/or a Letter to Release Final Clearance. If your contractor does not register, you must report the labour portion of their contract under your company. This also means you assume any claims of your contractor.  

Yes, you can revise your payroll anytime during the year by providing your revised figure in writing to the WSCC.

Include your account name, address, employer number, and a brief explanation of why you are revising your payroll figure. 

The WSCC calculates the rate you pay based on your payroll and industry subclass.

You have 10 days from closing your business to notify the WSCC in writing with your actual payroll figures.

The WSCC assigns employers subclasses based on the business they conduct, rather than their employees’ occupations. Employers are classified in subclasses that best reflect their overall business.