The Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission has these posters available in other official languages of the NWT. Click arrow to view/download all...
The Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission has these posters available in other official languages of the NWT. Click arrow to view/download all...
On a summer’s morning in June, a worker with a power saw was cutting a 1” x 8” piece of wood that was located over their head at an awkward angle. Once the worker succeeded in cutting off a 12” piece of the wood, it fell and they immediately reached to catch it. The worker’s fingers crossed paths with the power saw that was in their other hand; the worker severed four fingertips and eventually lost two of them.
A worker, wearing safety glasses, is underneath a car changing the oil. Dirt falls from underneath the car onto the worker’s face. Dirt gets underneath the safety glasses and into his eyes.
While operating a pneumatic nail gun on a construction site, a worker died from a penetrating skull injury.
Needle stick injuries are far too common in the health care field. These types of injuries happen when needles accidentally puncture the skin.
Employees who work alone or in isolation face an increased risk of confrontation and violence. Even incidents without physical confrontation, can cause stress and be emotionally traumatic for a worker.
Working alone presents additional risks pending location; type of work; public interaction; and consequences of an emergency, accident, or injury. It is important to identify hazards, implement procedures to limit risks, and follow emergency procedures.
A build-up of pressure inside the tank of a sewage pumper truck caused tank latches to fail and the tank door to swing open, striking the operator.