Report if a worker:

  • needed medical aid;
  • cannot return to work the day that the injury occurred;
  • is unable to return to their job after the day of the injury;
  • loses consciousness; or
  • were exposed to a dangerous substance.          

(If any ONE of these instances apply.)

Employer's Report of Incident

Report an incident, injury, or dangerous occurrence through the Employer's Report of Incident e-Service on WSCC Connect. The report consists of two sections: First, you will complete the Incident Section and if you indicated there was an injury, the e-Service will advance you to the Injury Section to report.

Read each form carefully to ensure you accurately complete it. Contact us at 1-800-661-0792 if you need assistance, or for more information.

Employer's Report of Incident

To report an incident, injury or dangerous occurrence you must complete and submit an Employer's Report of Incident.


Claims Services provides information to help employers through the Claims process.

Yellowknife, NT (May 1, 2017) – A video by Arviat high school students that encourages youth to be aware of workplace hazards has won first prize in the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission’s #FocusOnSafety territorial high school video contest.

The winning team comprises of five students and a sponsor teacher from John Arnalukjuak High School, in Arviat. Their video, “#FocusOnSafety”, won $1,000 with a matching prize of $1,000 for their school. 

Register for a Safety Coffee Break, where WSCC comes to you with coffee and snacks, and we’ll lead a short 15 minute toolbox talk for you and your staff!

Select your preferred day (May 9 or 10) and time (10am or 3pm).

Choose from a list of 8 topics below and we’ll do the rest!