Media Release: The Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission Lay Charges under the Northwest Territories Safety Act

26th Apr 2022

Yellowknife, NT (April 26, 2022) – On April 19, 2022, the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission filed seven charges against Arctic Canada Construction Ltd. (ARCAN) in the Northwest Territories’ Territorial Court under the Safety Act. 

ARCAN is charged with multiple counts alleging violations of the Safety Act and Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, including failure to properly train and supervise workers and non-compliance with regulatory requirements for the use of aerial devices, as well as other offences.

The charges were filed following an investigation by WSCC Safety Officers in relation to an incident that occurred on April 22, 2021 at a worksite in Fort Simpson. Two workers were using a telehandler with a man basket to maneuver a handrail for a staircase. As the basket was raised, the telehandler became unbalanced and hit the ground. This caused injury to the worker who was thrown from the basket onto the ground.
The first court appearance is scheduled for June 08, 2022, in Fort Simpson, Northwest Territories. 

As the matter is now before the courts, WSCC is not able to provide further information or comment at this time.


Maggie Collins
Manager, Communications
T: (867) 920-3854

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