Do independent operators or prospective bidders need to register if they do not currently employ workers?

No, you don’t have to register, but you can if you need proof of registration for bidding purposes. Non-employer operations, including independent operators and prospective bidders may register with the WSCC and receive an account number prior to establishing or commencing business.

In order to register and receive a WSCC account number, a non-employer operation must pay a $200 annual administrative fee. A non-employer operation registering for the first time must pay the full administrative fee regardless of how many days remain in the calendar year.

With payment of a $200.00 administrative fee you receive:

  • A Proof of Registration letter to submit when bidding for contracts in the Northwest Territories or Nunavut

This fee does not provide you, as an owner or director, automatic coverage under the Workers’ Compensation Act(s). If you wish to obtain coverage as an owner or director, please apply using our Personal Optional Coverage form.

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