There are four steps to the claims process:

If you get injured at work, the claims process helps determine your benefits. 
These benefits may include:

  • compensation for lost wages while you recover from a work injury;
  • medical care and other non-financial benefits;
  • permanent disability awards, like a pension;
  • return to work services, and
  • reimbursement for prescriptions and out-of-pocket expenses

Information Gathering

When you file your claim with the WSCC, sending in a completed Worker's Report of Injury form, a claim will be registered and WSCC claims staff will gather any other information required prior to a decision being made on your claim. This may include information from your employer and medical providers.


Claim Entitlement

The WSCC makes a decision to either accept or deny your claim. 


Benefit Calculation

If the WSCC accepts your claim, we calculate your benefits.


Ongoing Communication

You work closely with a WSCC Adjudicator or Case Manager throughout your recovery.