What if I don’t want to submit online?

The WSCC is offering a one-year grace period for people to learn how to use this new reporting tool. While we encourage you to set yourself up with this service right away, if you need more time or support, you can use the existing PDF High Hazard Work Notification form up until April 9, 2026. After that date, all High Hazard Work Notifications must be submitted through WSCC Connect

If you choose to submit the form by the existing process within the year, one of our Safety Outreach personnel will contact you to guide you through the creation of an online account and how to submit a notification. 

Please note, whether you choose to use our new submission tool or the PDF form, the notifications will be entered into the online system and will be internally managed using WSCC Connect. Support will continue to be provided for anyone who has questions and concerns in the future.

Admin description
High Hazard Work Notifications