WSCC Announces New Chief Inspector of Mines

24th Jun 2015

The Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) proudly announces the promotion of Fred Bailey to his new role as Chief Inspector of Mines, Prevention Services.

Fred has over 34 years of experience working in the mining industry. In the North, he worked at the Minto, Elsa, Snap Lake, and Nanisivik Mines. He has also worked at a number of international mines, such as the El Mochito Mine in Honduras, Jena Mine in Zimbabwe, and El Limon Mine in Nicaragua.

Fred’s career in the mining industry began with his interest in geology. He earned both a Mining Technician Diploma and a Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering (Cum Laude).

Fred joined the WSCC as Mining Inspector in 2013. For the last two years, he has dedicated his time to advancing the Northern safety culture.

As Chief Inspector of Mines, Fred leads a team of inspectors, located in two regional offices across the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they serve an important role in advancing the safety culture at mining operations and exploration sites throughout the north.  An integral part of their role is to support  mine rescue and emergency response, which ensures employers are always prepared in the event of an emergency. Fred looks forward to continuing to travel and liaise with mine safety professionals at operations across the North to ensure that the positive advances in safety within the industry continue.

We look forward to continuing our relationship with Fred as he further demonstrates his commitment to Mine Safety in the North. Fred began his new role on June 15, 2015, following the retirement of Peter Bengts.