Media Release: Yellowknife Students Win First Place in National Workplace Safety Video Competition

7th May 2019

Yellowknife, NT (May 7, 2019) – A video by Sir John Franklin high school students encouraging youth to be aware of their rights in the workplace won first place in the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety’s (CCOHS) #FocusOnSafety National Youth Video Contest. 

The winning team of three students from Sir John Franklin High School and their sponsor/teacher advanced to the Nationals following their win in the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission’s (WSCC) #FocusOnSafety territorial youth video contest last month. The territorial contest invited students to create a two-minute video to help workers and employers create safer workplaces.

“The contest is a fantastic way to engage young people in workplace safety, and we are impressed with how this team created such a memorable video. Their message about workers’ rights will appeal to employers, and workers of all ages,” said Barb Heming, WSCC Senior Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Inspector and one of the territorial judges for the competition.

The Sir John Franklin High School video entry, “Workplace Spook”, won $2,000 with a matching prize of $2,000 for their school. The video previously won $1,000 with a matching school prize of $1,000 in the territorial contest. CCOHS announced the national win as part of a three-way tie during the National launch of Safety and Health Week May 5-11, 2019.

Photo: Video creators Braeden Cordero and Markus Cluff with actor Tamara Jovic, are the winners of the CCOHS #FocusOnSafety National Youth Video Contest.

Maggie Collins
Communications Manager
Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission
Northwest Territories and Nunavut
T: (867) 920-3854