Media Release: Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission Supports Pink Shirt Day

28th Feb 2018

Yellowknife, NT (February 28, 2018) – In continued recognition of Pink Shirt Day, employees of the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) across the Northwest Territories and Nunavut wore pink today in support of anti-bullying, raising a total of $840 for the cause.

For the past few years, WSCC President and CEO Dave Grundy has championed employees to show their support on Pink Shirt Day by committing to make a donation for every pink shirt worn. WSCC staff rose to the challenge on February 28th and together raised additional funds to support the anti-bullying cause. The donation this year was presented to the École William McDonald Middle School in Yellowknife, in support of their Me to We program.

“It is increasingly important that our children – and future young workers – know that bullying is unacceptable, whether it is at school, at home, or in the workplace,” says Dave Grundy, WSCC President and CEO. “One of the WSCC’s goals is to advance the safety culture in the workplace, but a safe workplace includes ensuring the mental wellbeing of our workers. Our employees wanted to show that as an organization, we will not tolerate bullying or workplace harassment anywhere, or in any form.”

“At William McDonald, we don’t wait for change; we create the change. Our Me to We Team consists of students who work year-round to raise awareness and support victims of bullying,” says Melanie Parisella, teacher and Me to We Team spokesperson at École William McDonald Middle School. “We believe one day in a world free of bullying, but until then, we need to raise awareness consistently in hopes that future generations can go to school without ever knowing what it feels like to be bullied.”

Pink Shirt Day, started in 2007 by two students from Nova Scotia in response to the bullying of a fellow student who was harassed for wearing a pink shirt, has grown into a global initiative. To learn more about workplace bullying and harassment, including your responsibilities as a worker or employer, visit our Safety Bulletin on Bullying in the Workplace, available in English, French, Inuktitut, and Inuinnaqtun.


Jacqueline Mo
Acting Manager, Communications
T: (867) 920-3829
TF: 1 (800) 661-0792