Media Release: The Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission Lay Charges under the Northwest Territories Safety Act

11th Aug 2017

Yellowknife, NT (August 11, 2017) – On July 25, 2017, the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission filed six charges in the Northwest Territories’ Territorial Court under the Northwest Territories’ Safety Act.

Arctic Environmental Services Ltd. and Robert Valleau are charged with multiple counts  which allege various offences of the Safety Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, including failing to:

  • provide information, instruction, training, and supervision that is necessary to protect the health and safety of workers;
  • provide an occupational health and safety program that included an identification of hazards that could endanger workers at a worksite, specifically scissor lifts;
  • provide an occupational health and safety program that included a procedure to review, and if necessary, revise the occupational health and safety program not less than once every three years;
  • ensure that all supervisors had sufficient knowledge of any occupational health and safety program applicable to workers supervised at the work site; and
  • ensure that all supervisors had completed an approved regulatory familiarization program.

Clark Builders is also charged with one offence, alleging failure to ensure that the work was sufficiently and competently supervised.

The alleged breaches stem from an incident that occurred at the Don Stewart Recreation Complex in Hay River on July 26, 2016.

The WSCC reminds all employers that their legislated work place responsibilities include ensuring all supervisors receive training and instruction necessary to ensure the safety of workers and the work site, and to have and maintain an occupational health and safety program that is current and relevant to the potential hazards at their work site.

The first court appearance in this matter is scheduled for September 18, 2017 in Hay River, Northwest Territories.


Jacqueline Mo
Acting Manager, Communications
T: (867) 920-3829
TF: (800) 661-0792