Media Release: Workers’ Safety & Compensation Commission 58th Annual Mine Rescue Competition

16th Jun 2015

Yellowknife, NT (June 16, 2015) – Saturday, the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) announced  the winners of the 58th Annual Mine Rescue Competition, held June 12-13, 2015 in Yellowknife.  Ekati Diamond Mine took home the Overall Surface and the Overall Underground trophies.

The two-day competition saw seven teams from six mines demonstrate mine surface and underground response and rescue skills. Mines from the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon, and British Columbia competed.

“I congratulate all the teams on their level of excellence,” said Peter Bengts, WSCC Chief Inspector of Mines. “They know what to do in the event of an emergency. The Northern mining community can be confident we are in good hands.”

The WSCC announced the winners at the awards banquet held Saturday evening. The winners of the individual tasks are:

First Aid Snap Lake Diamond Mine
Surface Practical Bench Minto Mine
Fire Fighting Minto Mine
Rope Rescue Ekati Diamond Mine, Underground Team
Surface Written Test Minto Mine
Underground Written Test Ekati Diamond Mine, Underground Team
Surface Smoke Ekati Diamond Mine, Surface Team
Underground Smoke Diavik Diamond Mine
Underground Bench/Field Test Ekati Diamond Mine, Underground Team
Surface Obstacle/Extrication Meadowbank Gold Mine
Underground Obstacle Diavik Diamond Mine
Overall Surface Ekati Diamond Mine
Overall Underground Ekati Diamond Mine


The Mining community also took this opportunity to thank Peter Bengts for his commitment to the mining industry during his 18 year career with the WSCC, and wish him happy retirement. Fred Bailey took over the role of Chief Inspector of Mines yesterday.

WSCC would like to thank all those who participated and came out to enjoy the 58th Annual Mine Rescue Competition.


Kim Walker, Manager, Communications
Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission
Northwest Territories and Nunavut
T: (867) 920-3846