Yellowknife, NT (July 18, 2017) – On July 14, 2017, the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission filed four charges in the Territorial Court of the Northwest Territories in Yellowknife, under the Northwest Territories’ Safety Act.
The multiple counts allege various offences of the Safety Act, including:
- failure to take all reasonable precautions, and carry out all reasonable techniques and procedures to ensure the health and safety of every person on the work site;
- failure to ensure that all workers used a fall protection system if the worker could fall 3 meters or more;
- failure to ensure a fall protection plan was available to workers; and
- failure to ensure that workers were trained in the fall protection plan and the safe use of the fall protection system before requiring or permitting the worker to work at a work site.
Charged is Paul Curren, as an employer.
The WSCC reminds all employers to ensure the health and safety of all persons working on their site, and the requirement to provide, and require all workers to wear, fall protection when working at heights of three meters or higher.
The first court appearance in this matter is scheduled for August 29, 2017 in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.
Kim Walker
Manager, Communications
T: (867) 920-3846
TF: (800) 661-0792