Media Release: Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission Announces Winners of 61st Annual Mine Rescue Competition

6th Jun 2018

Yellowknife, NT (June 6, 2018) – On Saturday, the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) announced the winners of the 61st Annual Mine Rescue Competition, held June 1 and 2, 2018 in Yellowknife. Gahcho Kué Diamond Mine of De Beers Canada took home the Overall Surface trophy, and Diavik Diamond Mine of Rio Tinto Ltd. took home the Overall Underground trophy.

The two-day competition saw eight teams from eight mines demonstrate mine surface and underground response and rescue skills. Mines from the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Ontario competed.

“I congratulate all the teams on their level of excellence,” said Lex Lovatt, WSCC Mine Rescue Coordinator and Inspector of Mines. “Every year, they continue to impress us with their quick-thinking, problem-solving skills, and teamwork. There’s always the hope that they will never be called upon to demonstrate these skills in real-life scenarios, but rest assured they know what to do in the event of an emergency. The Northern mining community can be confident we are in good hands.”

The WSCC announced the winners at the awards banquet held Saturday evening. The winners of the individual tasks are:

Bench Technician

Brad Towle, Hope Bay Gold Mine, NU (TMAC Resources Inc.)

Surface First Aid

Baffinland Iron Mine, NU (Baffinland Corporation)

Underground First Aid

Meliadine Gold Project, NU (Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd.)

Surface Practical Bench

Baffinland Iron Mine, NU (Baffinland Corporation)

Fire Fighting

Ekati Diamond Mine, NT (Dominion Diamond Corporation)

Surface Rope Rescue

Gahcho Kué Diamond Mine, NT (De Beers Canada Inc.)

Underground Rope Rescue

Diavik Diamond Mine, NT (Rio Tinto Ltd.)

Surface Written Test

Gahcho Kué Diamond Mine, NT (De Beers Canada Inc.)

Underground Written Test

Diavik Diamond Mine, NT (Rio Tinto Ltd.)

Surface Smoke

Baffinland Iron Mine, NU (Baffinland Corporation)

Underground Smoke

Diavik Diamond Mine, NT (Rio Tinto Ltd.)

Underground Bench/Field Test

Diavik Diamond Mine, NT (Rio Tinto Ltd.)

Surface Obstacle/Extrication

Gahcho Kué Diamond Mine, NT (De Beers Canada Inc.)

Underground Obstacle

Diavik Diamond Mine, NT (Rio Tinto Ltd.)

Overall Surface

Gahcho Kué Diamond Mine, NT (De Beers Canada Inc.)

Overall Underground

Diavik Diamond Mine, NT (Rio Tinto Ltd.)

WSCC would like to thank all those who participated and came out to enjoy the 61st Annual Mine Rescue Competition.


Maggie Collins
Communications Manager
Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission
Northwest Territories and Nunavut
T: (867) 920-3854