Yellowknife, NT (May 1, 2017) – A video by Arviat high school students that encourages youth to be aware of workplace hazards has won first prize in the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission’s #FocusOnSafety territorial high school video contest.
The winning team comprises of five students and a sponsor teacher from John Arnalukjuak High School, in Arviat. Their video, “#FocusOnSafety”, won $1,000 with a matching prize of $1,000 for their school.
The contest ran from February 1 to April 1, and invited students to create a two-minute video with a focus on safety to help workers and employers create safer workplaces.
The video is now up for consideration at the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety’s (CCOHS) #FocusOnSafety National Contest, with the winners being announced during North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH Week) May 7-13, 2017.
The video is also eligible for voting in the Fan Favourite component of the National contest, where Canadians can view the top videos from across Canada and vote for their favourite. The video that earns the most votes receives an additional $1,000 prize from CCOHS. Voting runs from Saturday, April 29 to Friday, May 5, 2017, and can be accessed through the CCOHS Facebook and video contest web pages. The WSCC encourages Northerners to also visit those web pages during NAOSH Week for the announcement of the Fan Favourite and National winners.
Kim Walker
Manager, Communications
T: (867) 920-3846
TF: (800) 661-0792
WSCC is an arm’s length government agency responsible for administering the Workers’ Compensation Acts, Safety Acts, Explosives Use Acts, the Mine Health and Safety Acts, and associated Regulations.
Together, with our partners, the WSCC provides services to almost 40,000 workers and 4,000 employers across the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. We process over 3,000 claims and conduct over 1,000 inspections annually to ensure the safety of Northern workplaces. The WSCC is unique in Canada as it is the only workers’ compensation organization in the country to insure workers across more than one province or territory. We proudly offer services in the official languages of both territories.